Discrimination Complaint Guide

#Operation FAFO

Families Against Failed Opt-Outs

What is #Operation FAFO?

The Basics – How we got here & how to fight back

#Operation Opt-Out

In August we launched #Operation Opt-Out, providing parents with a comprehensive opt-out form that addressed SEL, third-party testing, intrusive surveys, harmful presentations, school-provided medical/mental health services, and the right to privacy in your child’s bathroom and locker room. Most forms were submitted during the first week of school starting back up.

You Opted Out. The District Said No.

Unfortunately, some districts have chosen to deny your right to choose what is best for your family and/or are not providing your child a fair and equal educational experience. From the feedback we’ve received, school districts are either denying parents the option to opt-out of programs that  have historically been permitted, or they are segregating children that have opted out, causing them to feel embarrassed or assigning them alternative assignments that feel like punishment to the child.

This is discrimination and should be treated as such.

We believe that the next appropriate step for parents is to file a discrimination complaint. When schools do not honor your religious belief’s, family values, or usurp your parental rights by denying your formal opt out, the issue becomes discrimination, and in some cases even retaliation.

Here’s a Shortlist of Complaints From Parents:

  • Being removed from class on a regular basis
  • No participation in morning activities

  • No participation in assemblies
  • Alternate assignments like letters to teachers
  • Having a child restock library shelves

Wentzville Specifically…

When parents submitted their opt-out forms, they were informed that their building was waiting for direction from the district’s administration on how to proceed. On August 29th, a local media outlet posted a negative story pertaining to #Operation Opt-Out

On September 5th, the district updated their website and sent out emails to parents informing them that they can no longer opt out of mental health instruction as well as iReady, which is a third-party vendor. The decision to implement this process was NOT board approved. Danielle Tormala made this decision independently, without ever consulting with the board.

This was a massive overstep of power and for some of our vocal parents, it felt like direct retaliation. We are advising parents of Wentzville to include Dr. Tyrant Tormala in your discrimination complaint.

So now what?

What can be done when the district tells you “NO?”

The appropriate next step in this scenario is to file a discrimination complaint against your district and possibly your superintendent depending on how the situation was handled. In order to this, you will need to download your district’s form below, and return the completed form back to your district’s administration.

You Should File a Complaint If:

  • Your district is not honoring your right to opt out.
  • Your Child is being segregated/isolated
  • You feel you are being retaliated against
  • Your child is not being offered an equitable educational experience

  • Your child is not being offered equitable activities
  • Your child feels embarrassed by the opt out alternatives

File YOUR Discrimination Complaint

Use the following steps below to file your discrimination complaint:

*Please Note – Just like with #Operation Opt-Out YOUR feedback is crucial to this mission. Please NOTIFY US upon filing your complaint.

Step 1: Review YOUR district’s Discrimination Policy

Each district’s discrimination policy and process varies. It’s important to follow the process outlined by your district

Step 2: Contact YOUR district’s administration with questions

If you’ve read the policy and still are not clear on everything, it never hurts to ask. Contact your school district to ask for specific guidance.

Step 3: Download the Discrimination Complaint Form

All ready to go? Download, complete, and submit your discrimination complaint.

Fort Zumwalt School District

Francis Howell School District

Orchard Farm School District

St. Charles School District

Wentzville School District

*One Last IMPORTANT Note – A number of parents have already filed their discrimination complaint with specific wording. If you need help with completing the complaint, please do not hesitate to CONTACT US and ask for help. We have parents in every district that would be more than happy to help you with your specific needs.

Why Should I File the Complaint?

What is the goal of filing a discrimination complaint? What happens next?

You asserted your parental rights and you were denied. In this moment, we cannot give one more inch. Upon filing the complaint, at minimum, the district will conduct an investigation into your claims. Your complaint is paving ground for legal action to be taken in the future. We must stop the bleeding. The school districts have proven that they will not listen unless we make them. Let’s do this!

It’s Not Just About Opting Out, Its About the Data…

Recently serveral political organizations sunshined directory information in the Francis Howell School District. The information that was able to be obtained is terrifying to say the least. Thanks to Randy Cook, Vice President of the Francis Howell School Board, the public was made aware of the sunshine request. To read more on this issue, see below

Subscribe For More Information

In order to communicate with motivated parents, we need you to sign up for our mailing list. This specific subscription will only receive emails from us pertaining to the next steps and a possible upcoming event before school starts in August. Please sign up if you are interested in learning more.

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#Operation FAFO

Families Against Failed Opt-Outs

Discrimination Complaint Guide

#Operation FAFO

How we got here & how to fight back

#Operation Opt-Out

In August we launched #Operation Opt-Out, providing parents with a comprehensive opt-out form that addressed SEL, third-party testing, intrusive surveys, harmful presentations, school-provided medical/mental health services, and the right to privacy in your child’s bathroom and locker room. Most forms were submitted during the first week of school starting back up.

You Opted Out. Your District Said No.

Unfortunately, some districts have chosen to deny your right to choose what is best for your family and/or are not providing your child a fair and equal educational experience.

Based on Your Feedback:

School districts are either denying parents the option to opt-out of programs that have historically been permitted, or they are segregating children that have opted out, causing them to feel embarrassed or assigning them alternative assignments that feel like punishment to the child.


We believe that the next appropriate step for parents is to file a discrimination complaint. When schools do not honor your religious belief’s, family values, or usurp your parental rights by denying your formal opt out, the issue becomes discrimination, and in some cases even retaliation.

Here’s a Shortlist of Complaints From Parents:

  • No participation in morning activities
  • No participation in assemblies
  • Being removed from class on a regular basis
  • Alternate assignments like letters to teachers
  • Having a child restock library shelves

Wentzville Specifically….

When parents submitted their opt-out forms, they were informed that their building was waiting for direction from the WSD admin on how to proceed.

On August 29th, a local media outlet posted a negative story pertaining to #Operation Opt-Out

On September 5th, the district updated their website and sent out emails to parents informing them that they can no longer opt out of mental health instruction as well as iReady, which is a third-party vendor. The decision to implement this process was NOT board approved. Danielle Tormala made this decision independently, without ever consulting with the board. This was a massive overstep of power and for some of our vocal parents, it felt like direct retaliation. We are advising parents of Wentzville to include Dr. Tyrant Tormala in your discrimination complaint.

So Now What?

What can be done when schools say “NO?”

The appropriate next step in this scenario is to file a discrimination complaint against your district and possibly your superintendent depending on how the situation was handled. In order to this, download your district’s complaint form below, and return the completed form back to district’s admin.

You Should File a Complaint If:

  • Your district is not honoring your right to opt out.
  • Your Child is being segregated/isolated
  • You feel you are being retaliated against
  • Your child is not being offered equitable education
  • Your child is not being offered equitable activities
  • Your child feels embarrassed by the opt out alternatives

File YOUR Discrimination Complaint

Use the following steps as a guide:

*Please Note – Just like with #Operation Opt-Out YOUR feedback is crucial to this mission. Please NOTIFY US upon filing your complaint.

Step 1: Review YOUR district’s Discrimination Policy

Each district’s discrimination policy and process varies. It’s important to follow the process outlined by your district

Step 2: Contact YOUR district’s admin with questions

If you’ve read the policy and still are not clear on everything, it never hurts to ask. Contact your school district to ask for specific guidance.

Step 3: Download the Discrimination Complaint Form

All ready to go? Download, complete, and submit your discrimination complaint.

Fort Zumwalt SD

Francis Howell SD

Orchard Farm SD

Fort Zumwalt SD

*One Last IMPORTANT Note – A number of parents have already filed their discrimination complaint with specific wording. If you need help with completing the complaint, please do not hesitate to CONTACT US and ask for help. We have parents in every district that would be more than happy to help you with your specific needs.

Should I File a Complaint?

What’s the goal? What happens next?

You asserted your parental rights and you were denied. In this moment, we cannot give one more inch. Upon filing the complaint, at minimum, the district will conduct an investigation into your claims. Your complaint is paving ground for legal action to be taken in the future. We must stop the bleeding. The school districts have proven that they will not listen unless we make them. Let’s do this!

It’s Not Just About Opting Out, Its About the Data…

Recently serveral political organizations sunshined directory information in the Francis Howell School District. The information that was able to be obtained is terrifying to say the least. Thanks to Randy Cook, Vice President of the Francis Howell School Board, the public was made aware of the sunshine request. Read more about this issue…

Subscribe For More Information

In order to communicate with motivated parents, we need you to sign up for our mailing list. By subscribing, you will only receive emails from us pertaining to the next steps and a possible upcoming event before school starts in August.

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Would You Like To Connect With Other Parents That Are Opting Out?
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