SB 974

  • Upcoming Hearings

  • No Hearing Scheduled
  • -

Bill Overview

Requires all public school shower rooms, locker rooms, and restrooms to be designated for and used by male or female students only

(Bathrooms and facilities usage in schools, sex designation)

Action Items

Urge Committee to support SB 974

This Bill is In Committee

Local school boards need the ability to enforce a sex designation for facilities usage in schools without the fear of being sued. This protection can only be provided at a state level. Please contact all senators and let them know you would like this bill to be heard and assigned a committee as soon as possible. You can also contact your Representative and Senator and ask for their support in the future.

Full Summary

SB 974 - This act requires that all public school shower rooms, locker rooms, and restrooms accessible for use by multiple students shall be designated for and used by male or female students only. The act provides for the best available accommodations for any student who asserts that his or her gender differs from his or her biological sex. Such accommodations may include, but are not limited to, controlled use of faculty shower rooms, locker rooms, or restrooms, or access to single-stall and unisex restrooms.

This act is identical to SB 690 (2018) and SCS/SB 98 (2017), substantially similar to SB 720 (2016), and similar to a provision in SB 165 (2023).

Don’t forget to contact YOUR elected officials!

Contact YOUR Representative

Contact YOUR Senator

  • No Hearings Scheduled

Action Items

This bill is In Committee

Urge Committee to support SB 974

Local school boards need the ability to enforce a sex designation for facilities usage in schools without the fear of being sued. This protection can only be provided at a state level. Please contact all senators and let them know you would like this bill to be heard and assigned a committee as soon as possible. You can also contact your Representative and Senator and ask for their support in the future.

Bill Overview

Requires all public school shower rooms, locker rooms, and restrooms to be designated for and used by male or female students only

(Bathrooms and facilities usage in schools, sex designation)

Full Summary

SB 974 - This act requires that all public school shower rooms, locker rooms, and restrooms accessible for use by multiple students shall be designated for and used by male or female students only. The act provides for the best available accommodations for any student who asserts that his or her gender differs from his or her biological sex. Such accommodations may include, but are not limited to, controlled use of faculty shower rooms, locker rooms, or restrooms, or access to single-stall and unisex restrooms.

This act is identical to SB 690 (2018) and SCS/SB 98 (2017), substantially similar to SB 720 (2016), and similar to a provision in SB 165 (2023).

Don’t Forget – Contact YOUR officials!